Captivate Restoration

A Terra Nova Center, The Luminous Now, Liminal Yoga, and Sage Strait Workshop

🌿 Captivate Restoration: A Transformative One-Day Journey 🌿

Are you ready to liberate your spirit and dive deep into your true self? Join us for an unforgettable day of healing, inner peace, and self-discovery. Through soul-nurturing practices like yoga, sound healing, meditation, and group healing, you'll expand your awareness and connect with the most authentic version of yourself.

What to Expect
Our carefully crafted journey will guide you through experiences that awaken your heart, calm your mind, and elevate your consciousness. You’ll immerse yourself in:

🧘 Gentle Yoga to awaken your body
🎶 Sound Healing that vibrates through every cell
🌍 Walking Meditation to ground and connect with the earth
🌟 Playful Embodiment Practices to help you access deeper awareness
💫 Healing Collective – a sacred, heart-centered space for profound group healing

Suggested Exchange: Sliding scale $125-$195 (pay what feels right for you!)

Schedule Highlights:
🕊️ 10:00 am - Introduction Circle (Randi)
🧘‍♀️ 10:45 am - Gentle Yoga (Sage)
🍃 1:00 pm - Walking Meditation (Jared)
✨ 2:15 pm - Consciousness Workshop + Restorative Yoga (Wolfgang, Sage & Randi)
💖 6:00 pm - Healing Collective (Randi & Wolfgang)

🌿 What to Bring 🌿
To ensure you have a comfortable and nourishing experience, here are a few essentials to pack for your day of transformation:

  • Water Bottle – Stay hydrated throughout the day.

  • Snacks & Meals – Bring your favorite snacks and meals! A refrigerator and cooking facilities are available for your convenience.

  • Yoga Mat and/or Outdoor Blanket – For added comfort during yoga and outdoor sessions, bring what suits you best.

  • Layered Clothing – The mountain weather can shift throughout the day. Dress in layers to stay comfortable, with options to add or remove as needed.

  • Journal & Personal Items – Bring a journal for reflection, and any talismans or personal items you feel called to accompany you on this journey.

🌟 Time for Reflection 🌟
Throughout the day, there will be two longer breaks designed for your personal reflection and nourishment. Take this time to savor your meals, journal your thoughts, or simply be present with yourself in the serene mountain surroundings. These moments of stillness will allow the energy of the day to sink deeper, amplifying the healing and connection you’ve cultivated.

🌿 Step into this day of transformation and open yourself to the healing energy of the universe. 🌿

Are you ready to awaken your heart? 💫

Connect with the co-creators of this amazing offering by visiting and

Reserve your spot!